Runescape wilderness ftp bot killing
Runescape wilderness ftp bot killing

Jagex are trying to figure out the view of the runescape community and whether or not more multi-player quests, skills or wilderness events (eg Team Pking) should be introduced. There are 3 types of multi-player action that Jagex are considering expanding within the game. The current poll by Jagex on the main runescape site is focussed on multi-player actions. In addition, it would mean less loot lost to 1 itemers and the so called no-honour clans who have virtually made p2p wilderness pking pretty pointless. This is something that I feel would not imbalance the p2p wilderness as it is already void of most wars as it stands.Īnyway, this is just a rough outline of how I would see a clan battle arena being implemented in the runescape wilderness and how it would help ensure more p2p wilderness wars and challenges.


This would make wars more common on pay to play worlds as well as making it free from any outside interferance. At the end of the war, the victorious leader would be able to unlock the chest and then every member who had been involved in the battle would randomly get some loot that had been stored. Instead of how it currently works, all armour/weapons would automatically be looted and stored in a reward chest. It could be set to allow only people of a certain rank on the clan leaders clan chat channel - and lootshare would also be enabled. Combat levels could also be set (making it possible for events such as only people between levels 100 - 110 could take part), as well as maximum number of people on both sides. The rules would be agreed by the clan leaders - this would include options such as melee only, melee + binds, range only, mage only as well as flat arena, obstacles or mixed. It would not be a safe minigame and therefore items would be lost if pked. Although this is a free to play area, the battle arena could possibly be made a member only feature - in effect, a player vs player minigame. The battle arena would be located between the level 38 wilderness altar and the Forgotten Cemetary. Anyway, this is how I would like a clan battle arena to be implemented into RuneScape. The idea of a battle arena is not entirely new, however, Jagex have never really catered to clans and therefore this may only be a pipedream.

runescape wilderness ftp bot killing runescape wilderness ftp bot killing

One proposal is to have a Clan Battle Arena where a clan leader can challenge another clan leader and then agree set rules. Jagex need to address this as many people do prefer to fight against other players but it is currently pointless due to the number of 1 itemers that swarm in and destroy any arranged battles. Currently on RuneScape member worlds the wilderness is void of player versus player pking and mayhem.

Runescape wilderness ftp bot killing